In the digital era, social media has become an almost omnipresent part of everyday life, especially for the younger generations. However, while these platforms offer instant connections and access to a variety of content, they also pose significant challenges for the mental health of young people.


Last month in Florida, a path was opened for the renewed implementation of regulations focused on protecting minors from excessive or inappropriate use of social media.

This action was taken following concerns about the impact that social media has on the mental health of young people.

Next, we will explore how excessive use of social media can negatively affect the mental health of the new generations and what measures we can take to address this growing problem.

The impact of social media on mental health

Social media provides a window to the world, but it can also be a source of stress, anxiety, and constant comparison. Young people are constantly exposed to a barrage of images and messages that promote unrealistic standards of beauty, success, and happiness, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Additionally, excessive use of social media can disrupt sleep, negatively affect self-image, and increase the risk of experiencing depression and anxiety.

The challenge of finding balance

In an increasingly connected world, finding a healthy balance between online and offline time is crucial to protecting mental health. It’s important to encourage responsible use of social media and promote activities that foster emotional well-being, such as exercise, meditation, and face-to-face connection with friends and family.

Furthermore, parents, educators, and mental health professionals play a crucial role in providing support and guidance to young people on how to navigate the digital world safely and healthily.

Strategies to promote a healthy relationship with social media:
  1. Establish time limits for social media use.
  2. Practice self-assessment and awareness of how online interactions make us feel.
  3. Follow accounts that promote positive and empowering messages, such as Equilibrium’s .
  4. Disconnect from social media before bedtime to improve sleep quality.
  5. Encourage open and honest dialogue about the challenges and pressures associated with social media.

In an increasingly digitized world, it’s important to recognize and address the negative impacts that social media can have on the mental health of the new generations. By fostering a balanced and healthy relationship with technology and promoting self-care practices, we can help young people navigate the digital world safely and positively while protecting their emotional and mental well-being.

What to do if your child is experiencing a mental disorder? How should parents act?

Schedule a free assessment with our team of professionals now.

Wonderful 10 years changing lives!

Today, we celebrate with gratitude and joy a decade of transformation, courage, and hope.


Therapists Luz Helena Llano and Hugo Herrera founded the Equilibrium Therapeutic Center ten years ago with the purpose of providing a refuge where love, compassion, and perseverance could triumph over the shadow of addictions and emotional instability.


Combining five decades of experience gained in the Addiction Program at South Miami Hospital, their mission is to provide comprehensive recovery treatment for patients and their families in an environment of serenity, reliability, respect, and empowerment.


During this decade…

We have witnessed countless stories of redemption, individuals who, against all odds, chose the path of recovery. The dedication, professionalism, and human quality of the clinical and administrative team at Equilibrium Therapeutic Center are some of the reasons that invite both patients and their families to feel welcomed and secure in trusting us to achieve sustained recovery for all family members.


Our primary goal…

Focuses on guiding each patient and their families to connect with their feelings through introspection, identification, and validation, facilitating self-awareness and establishing a relationship of respect and integrity with themselves.

Our programs are entirely in Spanish, and that has been one of the differentiating and fundamental factors that set us apart not only in Miami but also in the United States, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Spain. More than 300 families have chosen to change the course of their lives.

10 Years Changing Lives!

At the heart of Equilibrium lies the promise of confidentiality and discretion, making us a safe haven for all individuals, including public figures, artists, and entrepreneurs. Beyond traditional therapies, Equilibrium embraces innovative approaches such as art therapy, meditation, and yoga, enriching the recovery experience.


Our Treatment includes:

  • Daily psychotherapy groups
  • Individual therapies
  • Parallel program for the patient’s family
  • Weekly educational conferences
  • Yoga/Meditation
  • Psycho-educational conferences
  • Art therapy
  • Anger management workshop
  • Relapse prevention
  • Ongoing care groups


We aim to transform lives and build bridges to a fulfilling and balanced life. THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING PART OF THIS EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY.


If you or someone you know needs help overcoming an addiction, you can contact us through the following means:


Phone: (305) 999-5251

Address: Equilibrium Therapeutic Center, 932 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Coral Gables, FL 33134, United States


The feeling of happiness is a positive and pleasurable emotional state that can manifest as joy, satisfaction, or well-being.


It is a subjective experience; all human beings are different, and the way we feel happy is also unique. However, broadly speaking, we can say that this sensation involves positive emotions that can be influenced by external and internal factors.


The scientific journal PNAS published a study conducted in Australia, confirming that the new generations have the worst mental health, showing a greater deterioration in the feeling of happiness itself.


This result refers especially to people born in the 1990s and, to a lesser extent, those born in the late 1980s.


The generation of the ’90s has experienced significant changes in how technology and communication impact their lives, which can influence mental health. Some factors leading to this result include increased academic and work pressure, the prevalence of social media, economic uncertainty, and constant access to stressful information.

5 ways to improve the feeling of happiness.

In conclusion, the study states that by improving the immediate environment (family or social relationships), the feeling of happiness will also improve. Here are 5 ways to enhance that sensation:


  1. Practice daily gratitude. Be aware of all the positive things in your life.
  2. Cultivate positive relationships. Connect with friends and family, create quality support networks, not just quantity.
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and have a balanced diet.
  4. Dedicate time to activities you are passionate about. Rediscover yourself, live in the present, and practice mindfulness.
  5. Meditation and caring for your mental well-being are also effective tools.


Remember that happiness is unique to each person, so find what works best for you. At Equilibrium, we have a team of professionals ready to help if you need it.


Our program includes dynamics such as:




  • Daily psychotherapy groups.
  • Individual therapies.
  • Motivational stimulus therapy.
  • Art and recreation therapy.



  • Continuous care groups (with the collaboration of former patients and their families sharing their experience to help newcomers).
  • Assistance and therapy program for the patient’s family.
  • ACA – Group for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families.



  • Anger control workshops.
  • Recovery process workshop.
  • Relapse prevention workshop.


Activities and Lectures:


  • Yoga/Meditation.
  • Educational lectures on various related topics (open to the community).
  • Sharing of the 12 steps and 12 traditions.
  • Reinforcement for recovering former patients who have been discharged.


Don’t think twice, schedule your free evaluation appointment, and start the year by prioritizing yourself.

In December, it’s crucial to prioritize mental health while facing the demands of the season.


Christmas affects the mind in various ways; it can stimulate excitement and joy but also nostalgia, anxiety, and stress—all at the same time. Therefore, it’s important to recognize signs of emotional exhaustion and be willing to seek help when needed.


In addition to practicing self-reflection and seeking social support, remember the importance of resting and maintaining healthy habits that significantly contribute to your emotional well-being during this period.

Take care of your mental health this Christmas.

Follow these tips and avoid triggers this season:


  • Set boundaries: clearly define the time you will dedicate to festive activities and reserve moments for rest without commitments.
  • Prioritize self-care: dedicate time to activities that relax you and bring you joy, whether it’s reading, practicing meditation, or taking quiet walks. Remember your own well-being.
  • Plan: think about your strategy for each activity you will participate in, including time, actions, and, above all, how your dynamics will be to continue with your recovery. The more prepared you are, the more comfortable you will feel.
  • Delegate responsibilities: don’t be afraid to ask for help in preparing celebrations. Sharing tasks lightens the load and allows you to enjoy more free time.
  • Disconnect digitally: reduce time on electronic devices. Disconnecting from social media and email can contribute to more effective rest.
  • Be realistic with expectations: not all holiday moments have to be perfect. Accepting that not everything will go as planned can reduce pressure and stress.
  • Prioritize sleep: make sure to maintain a regular sleep routine. Good night’s sleep is essential for maintaining mental and physical health.
  • Set financial limits: avoid financial stress by establishing a realistic budget for gifts and celebrations.


Remember that the key is to prevent and balance festivities with moments of tranquility and self-care.


Other recommendations you can follow are:


  • Attend more meetings with therapists and peers.
  • Increase the frequency of individual therapy sessions.
  • Try to have more contact with friends who can provide support.


Keep in mind that you are not obligated to attend celebrations where you do not feel comfortable, either due to the environment or the people present. When you want to, you can leave; always prioritize your well-being.


Continue on your path to recovery, don’t despair; there is always a way out and a solution to every problem. Remember, if you feel overwhelmed and need help.


Schedule your free evaluation with our team of professionals.

A dysfunctional family refers to a family group in which interactions, communication, and dynamics are detrimental to the emotional well-being and development of its members.


The family, as a social group, must fulfill three basic functions:


  1. the economic function.
  2. the biological function
  3. the educational, cultural, and spiritual function. 


The latter, precisely, is one of the most valuable indicators to categorize family functioning; that is, if the family is capable of satisfying not only material needs but also spiritual ones, we talk about a functional family, as there is a support system.

Dysfunctional Relationships

How to know if your family is dysfunctional?


 If it lacks a healthy structure, has persistent communication problems, its boundaries are blurry, presents chronic conflicts, there is emotional or physical abuse, untreated addictions, or behavior patterns… Your family may be dysfunctional!


These conditions can have a negative impact on the emotional, psychological, and social development of all members and can persist across generations if not addressed appropriately.


If you find yourself in a situation where you believe your family is dysfunctional, it’s essential to seek support and consider taking the following steps:


  1. Seek emotional and psychological support from close friends, counselors, or therapists. Sharing your experiences can help alleviate emotional burdens. Schedule your free evaluation with our professional team now.
  2. Establish clear and healthy boundaries to protect yourself from harmful situations. Learning to assertively say “no” is crucial for your well-being.
  3. Consider seeking professional help to address underlying issues in your family. Family therapy can be beneficial for improving communication and family dynamics.
  4. Develop an external support network, whether through support groups, close friends, or communities that can provide the necessary backing.
  5. Work on your own emotional and psychological well-being through activities that bring you joy and inner peace, such as exercise, meditation, and engaging in fulfilling hobbies.
  6. Remember that seeking help and support is not only courageous but also essential for your long-term mental health and well-being.


Testimonial. From patient to coach…


The official definition of addiction, according to the RAE, is “dependence on substances or activities harmful to health or psychic balance.”


Read carefully, SUBSTANCES OR ACTIVITIES, and this is the case we’ll discuss today. Silvina was a patient at this Rehabilitation Center, and her self-recognition, forgiveness, discipline, and love became so powerful that not only did she recover, but her testimony has become a tool for change for many.


She wanted to share one of her most revealing moments during her process.

Testimonial. From patient to coach

Silvina became an example, her testimony from patient to coach showed courage and humility, proving once again that staying silent is not an option.


Remember that addiction is a dependency, and despite knowing the negative consequences it brings, it continues to be done or consumed.


Our therapeutic approach combines various therapy techniques, individual and group sessions, in a calm and pleasant environment conducive to recovery. We address the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects that help each individual achieve well-being and emotional balance.


We offer a comprehensive admission process that includes a primary assessment of the patient’s condition and needs. Throughout the process, we ensure that all measures are considered and taken into account to provide the highest level of service, as well as a great deal of kindness and understanding for each patient and family member.

What is Mental Health?


In broad terms, mental health is a state of well-being that allows us to enjoy a fulfilling life. In this balanced state, we have the freedom to choose and design our own life journey.


According to WHO:


Mental health is a state of well-being in which each individual realizes their potential, can cope with the stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to their community.


Having good mental health does not solely refer to the absence of mental disorders. Throughout life, we may experience situations that either protect or threaten our health. These situations can be individual, social, or structural.

Here are some examples of these situations:


Psychological or biological factors, such as emotional skills, substance abuse, and genetics.


Exposure to unfavorable social, economic, geopolitical, and environmental circumstances (poverty, violence, inequality, or even environmental issues).

In addition to these risk factors, there are protective factors, and both exist on various scales within society. Just as there can be local, regional, or global threats, there can be protective factors that shelter different numbers of people.


We share some recommendations to take care of mental health:


  • Eat in a balanced and healthy way.
  • Respect sleep schedules (sleep between 8 or 9 hours daily).
  • Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes a day.
  • Have a stable family environment that addresses emotional needs.
  • Avoid drugs that affect brain development (including tobacco and caffeine).
  • Organize time; respect study times, deadlines, and scheduled hours for other activities.
  • Build healthy social relationships.
  • Take time to relax.


If you feel that you want to take care of your mental health in a therapeutic center, at Equilibrium, we have professionals and a comprehensive program that includes the following dynamics:




– Daily psychotherapy groups.

– Individual therapies.

– Motivational enhancement therapy.

– Art and recreation therapy.




– Continuous care groups (with the collaboration of former patients and their families sharing their experience to help newcomers).

– Assistance and therapy program for the patient’s family.

– ACA – Group for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families.



– Anger management workshops.

– Recovery process workshop.

– Relapse prevention workshop.


Activities and Lectures:

– Yoga/Meditation.

– Educational lectures on various related topics (open to the community).

– Sharing of the 12 steps and 12 traditions.

– Support for recovering former patients who have been discharged.


Couple Relationships and Mental Health


Good relationships are like plants: you must feed them daily for them to grow. So, work on nurturing the connections so that they become stronger each day and have a more prosperous future.

Keys to Take Care of Mental Health in Romantic Relationships:

  • Define household tasks.
  • Equitably distribute responsibilities.
  • Respect each other’s free time.
  • Establish boundaries and lines of trust.
  • Maintain mutual loyalty.
  • Set individual and couple goals and dreams.
  • Ensure sexual activities are always consensual.
  • Engage in activities and enjoy leisure spaces.
  • Break the monotony.
  • Organize finances and routines.


It is essential to understand that conflicts are common in relationships, making it relevant to manage them in a timely manner.


Mental health involves feeling good in all aspects of your life, and when it comes to romantic relationships, it’s important to recognize and express emotions, respect individuality, and prioritize the well-being of both partners.


Our therapeutic approach combines various techniques of therapy, individual and group sessions, in a calm and pleasant environment conducive to recovery. We address the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects that help each individual achieve well-being and emotional balance.


We offer a comprehensive admission process that includes a primary assessment of the patient’s condition and needs. Throughout the process, we ensure that all measures are considered to provide the highest level of service, as well as a high degree of kindness and understanding for each patient and family member.

Estrés y ansiedad: síntomas y causas

Stress and Anxiety: Symptoms and Possible Causes.


We all experience anxiety in certain situations. However, when an intense, persistent, and frequent worry is felt, one may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. These concerns can interfere with daily activities and may be accompanied by episodes of panic and fear, making them challenging to manage.


What is Anxiety?


Anxiety is defined as the response that activates our body and initiates defense mechanisms in a specific circumstance. Faced with certain situations, an emotional response is generated, varying based on the stimulus causing anxiety. This may include feelings of fear, restlessness, nervousness, and unease. The symptoms can be psychological, cognitive, behavioral, and social in nature.


What is Stress?


Stress occurs when a person lacks the necessary adaptive capacity to adjust to specific situations, feeling overwhelmed by circumstances, triggering stress responses that can be emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. It often arises due to external factors.


What are the Symptoms?


In today’s context, mental health ranks among the most crucial topics that demand serious attention. Anxiety, as a disorder, affects numerous individuals throughout their lives and can manifest in various ways depending on how the mind perceives it. 


Some physiological changes that may occur include increased heart rate, excessive sweating, tremors, sensations of breathlessness, restlessness, and the urge to move, chills, or even a sense of unreality. Occasional anxiety is not alarming, but when frequent, it can cause severe disruptions in a person’s life, leading to:


  • Inability to rest well
  • Irritability and an agitated state
  • Excessive sweating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constant fatigue
  • Physical symptoms like headaches, dizziness, dry mouth, or nausea.



Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a common anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable worry. Individuals may fret about negative occurrences affecting them or their loved ones, sometimes unable to pinpoint a specific source of concern.


Panic Disorder is a condition that induces panic attacks—moments of extreme fear accompanied by rapid heartbeats, shortness of breath, and a sense of impending doom.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition causing flashbacks or anxiety due to a traumatic experience.


Social Phobia triggers intense anxiety in situations involving interaction with others.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves repetitive thoughts and the compulsion to perform specific ritualistic actions.




When manageable, it’s possible to reduce the impact of stress on health. Try these tips when feeling stressed:


  • Identify stress factors.
  • Talk to a therapist or counselor.
  • Exercise and adopt an active lifestyle.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Engage in enjoyable activities.


At Equilibrium Therapeutic Center, we are committed to supporting our patients and their families at every step, aiming for a transformative journey towards a life without anxiety.

Dysfunctional Relationships: Learn to recognize them.


To learn to recognize a healthy relationship from a dysfunctional one, first, you must understand the differences between them and thus have tools to make wise decisions.


In a healthy relationship, the involved individuals are in and promote a secure environment, also providing respect for both their own privacy and that of the other person.


Such relationships are built on a very solid foundation, forged with communication, mutual respect, and trust. In these relationships, the members feel valued and respected, and their boundaries are honored. Boundaries can be physical, emotional, and sexual.


The opposite occurs in a dysfunctional relationship. These relationships create an environment of insecurity and emotional instability for the parties involved. There is no resilience, they do not tolerate changes, respect is absent, and privacy, personal desires, or differences of opinion are overlooked.


When referring to a dysfunctional relationship, it means a union where the values and treatments that should be present are either absent or not functioning correctly.


These relationships significantly impact health, so it is necessary to seek help and address the situation at its root.


How to know if you are in a dysfunctional romantic relationship?


Here are some signs to recognize them:

  • Lack of communication.
  • Power struggles.
  • Constant tension.
  • Jealousy and control.
  • Very frequent arguments.
  • Lack of compatibility.
  • Emotional blackmail and comparisons.
  • Emotional instability.


Healthy relationships are based on mutual respect, trust, honesty, support, fairness, equality, and good communication.


To improve relationship dynamics, provide personal well-being, and emotional growth, contact us.


Schedule your free evaluation now with our team of professionals.