Testimonial. From Patient to Transformational Coach!

February 27, 2024
salud mental qué es
Testimonial. From patient to coach…


The official definition of addiction, according to the RAE, is “dependence on substances or activities harmful to health or psychic balance.”


Read carefully, SUBSTANCES OR ACTIVITIES, and this is the case we’ll discuss today. Silvina was a patient at this Rehabilitation Center, and her self-recognition, forgiveness, discipline, and love became so powerful that not only did she recover, but her testimony has become a tool for change for many.


She wanted to share one of her most revealing moments during her process.

Testimonial. From patient to coach

Silvina became an example, her testimony from patient to coach showed courage and humility, proving once again that staying silent is not an option.


Remember that addiction is a dependency, and despite knowing the negative consequences it brings, it continues to be done or consumed.


Our therapeutic approach combines various therapy techniques, individual and group sessions, in a calm and pleasant environment conducive to recovery. We address the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects that help each individual achieve well-being and emotional balance.


We offer a comprehensive admission process that includes a primary assessment of the patient’s condition and needs. Throughout the process, we ensure that all measures are considered and taken into account to provide the highest level of service, as well as a great deal of kindness and understanding for each patient and family member.

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