Depression is one of the most common mental disorders, characterized primarily by a low mood combined with feelings of sadness, also associated with disruptions in thought, activities, and behavior.
This disorder does not discriminate; it can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, educational level, or socioeconomic status.
But what is endogenous depression and exogenous depression, and what causes them?
Types of depression: endogenous and exogenous.
Endogenous depression
mostly stems from a chemical imbalance in the brain and could have a genetic origin.
Exogenous depression
occurs after a specific event directly influences the mood. For example, a breakup, loss, traumatic situations, etc.
The most significant difference lies in the cause that triggers them.
What are the causes of exogenous depression?
The causes can be either specific events or prolonged over time.
Traumatic events:
Typically, these are specific events lasting a few days, remembered through flashbacks.
Death or illness of a loved one generates a mental state associated with anxiety issues. Sometimes, this grief can lead to exogenous depression due to a loop of negative thoughts and ideas linked to death.
Divorce and separations:
Losing someone you love or once loved, along with changes in lifestyle and pace, can also lead to depression.
Job loss, unemployment, or struggles to sustain oneself have a profound psychological impact affecting self-esteem and life expectations.
Self-esteem issues:
The sudden appearance of a highly visible scar, rapid aging, alopecia, and certain skin diseases, can make some people feel very negatively about themselves, leading to low self-esteem that may trigger a depressive state.
Symptoms of depression (exogenous or endogenous):
- Feeling of sadness, anxiety, or discouragement.
- Abulia: Loss of initiative and motivation.
- Anhedonia: Limited pleasure or even the inability to experience pleasure (more common in exogenous depression).
- Sleep problems: Insomnia or excessive sleep, triggering complications related to lack of rest and increased stress.
- Irritability, restlessness, and frustration.
- Changes in appetite: Unrelated weight loss or gain.
- Feeling of worthlessness, helplessness, or guilt.
- Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions.
- Suicide attempts or thoughts of death.
What to do to overcome depression:
First and foremost, contact a professional. With us, you can have a free evaluation where the problem will be identified, and once a diagnosis is established, the most appropriate therapy will be recommended.
Additionally, depending on the patient’s condition, psychiatric supervision and medication may be necessary for a period until balance is achieved.
Throughout the process, patients can:
Build a strong support network:
Surround yourself with friends and family to share your emotional state and avoid isolation. Find leisure moments:
Engage in enjoyable activities that positively stimulate, such as drawing, writing, or pottery. Practice meditation:
Use breathing techniques to maintain calmness, improve concentration, and stay present. Exercise:
Physical activity helps release hormones like endorphins or serotonin, aiding in relaxation and anxiety management.
For a diagnosis of depression, symptoms must last for at least two weeks and involve drastic changes in daily functioning. If you identify with any of the mentioned symptoms and have experienced them for more than two weeks, and if you’re unsure where or how to seek help…